5 Reasons to Choose WordPress to Power Your Website

Every entrepreneur wishes to maintain an online presence that reflects its operations and offerings. The online world has revolutionalized the traditional approach to trading. No one wants to miss this opportunity; even small businesses are interested in owning eCommerce stores.

There are profuse options available for a web developer to power their website. The top-performing software for web development are Macaw, Weebly, Bootstrap, Codepen, Mamp, WordPress, and Github.

However, most developers prefer WordPress for building a website. Over 30% of live websites today are powered through WordPress, making it the most preferred web development software. Some popular websites made through this software include Ted Blog, BBC America, Skype, SONY Music, and PlayStation.

Not everyone can manage to build and regulate their website by themselves. That’s why you need to hire an expert WordPress Development Company that will assist you in achieving your goals.

Benefits of using WordPress for your Website

Let us now discuss some of the benefits that you get while powering your website through WordPress:-

1.    WordPress is available Free of Cost:

One of the most stunning features of WordPress is that you don’t need to pay a penny to use this software. You can directly download the software from its official website WordPress.org without paying for it. WordPress offers you a hassle-less experience for free. However, you need to pay for the host when ready to go live with your website. There are two options for hosting your website: Self-hosted and Managed-hosted. You can not launch your website until and unless you host it on the server. Further, WordPress offers you additional plugins for free that you can add to your website to increase its functionality.

2.    Offers Various PlugIns to Help you out:

When you start working with WordPress, you will notice that you can’t customize the website design or its’ layout directly. That’s where WordPress plugins can prove to be your only saver. The plugins not only let you do the customizations but also helps you efficiently manage your website. Some popular PlugIns include Yoast, Contact Form by WP-Forms, WooCommerce, and Jetpack. You can use such plugins to enhance the performance of your website.

3.    Enhances Security

WordPress also offers you a lot of security plugins that help you remain safe & secure. You need to protect your website from the malicious attacks of hackers and these security plugins do the work for you. WordPress also provides you with an option to increase the security measures of your website such as enabling SSL certification. It helps you ensure that your website is safe from hackers and other security mishaps.

4.    WordPress promotes SEO:

Another astounding benefit of using WordPress to power your website is that it is SEO friendly and helps your website to grab a higher rank on the result pages. Yoast plugin is one of the most economical SEO tools for your website. It provides profuse benefits to help your website reach its goals, such as Meta descriptions, Internal links, Image SEO, and Focus keywords. It depends on your choices whether you prefer using the basic version of Yoast or are ready to purchase its premium version.

5.    Ease of Use:

Building a professional website using WordPress is so easy and comfortable that even a beginner can make one. You don’t need to belong to a technical background or have expertise in HTML, as WordPress is open-source software. You can install & use plugins to ease your work and customize your website as per your comfort. You can easily add, edit or delete things from your website with a few clicks. The dashboard offered by WordPress is easily understandable, and you can learn to use it even quicker.

WordPress is a great tool to launch your website, especially when it’s your first website. Although you cannot perform everything on your own, that’s when you need to hire professionals who can efficiently do the work for you.

If you looking for an opportunity to showcase your business in the online world then we at DShade Infotech try to make your dream possible and provide you with the required assistance that will help you outshine your competitors. We offer the best WordPress Website Development Services in India and our dedicated team uses the latest technology to bring out the best in your website.

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